Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Quakers witness to truth and integrity

Quakers examples to witness to truth and integrity include such practices as:

* making sure that one's words and actions flow from one's beliefs
* speaking the truth, even when it is difficult
* paying people fair wages for their work
* giving one's employer the right amount of labor for one's pay
* saying difficult things with grace and tact
* receiving difficult sayings gracefully
* guarding one's reputation for honesty, fairness, and fidelity
* taking responsibility for one's actions and their results
* fulfilling one's commitments
* taking care of items entrusted to one
* being open to the ideas of others but not being too easily swayed by them
* confronting lapses in integrity in oneself and in others
* giving credit to others for their contributions
* assessing people and situations fairly and accurately
* avoiding spending beyond one's means through the use of credit

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