Wednesday, October 8, 2008

there was this small heart in that huge man,
he was not able to walk,
unable to carry his own load,
breathing with difficulty,
often stopping by to take some fresh breath,

i wondered why do we allow so much fat to come in,
why don't we see its ill effect,
how gradually it grows,
from small to huge deposits,
loosening us, making us flabby,
our faces swell ,our arms swell,
we loose our shape,
widening its grip on us,
entering our blood vessels and forming clogs,
going gets tough,
bending is like hill climbing,
stairs are avoided for it becomes too difficult to climb,

but with all this '
when u see that tempting chocolate or cheese ad,
the very next moment your hand opens the fridge,
and down goes that big lump,
and then follows the laughter of that killer adipocyte,
for it has grown bigger,

Wait and ponder at the plight of that poor small heart,
pumping hard to give u life,
forcing its blood through clogged lanes'
it dies every second to add to your life.

Think of that small heart in that huge man before that dangerous lump goes inside.

be the beam that beckons

But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. ~ Galatians 5: 13

As people representing Christ if we lead a life contrary to what Jesus preaches then its a hypocrisy.
Even daily behaviors , our beliefs, our view points can label us as hypocrites, if we say we believe in Christ but our lifestyle/ mindset points something else e.g
shouting at others,
showing attitudes,
throwing weights'
eating too much,
money mindedness,
swearing, gossiping,
not helping those in need,
trusting man than God,
but then when we come to Christ we come to Him with our old nature- with our baggage of childhood habits and beliefs, our family upbringing, our education, our preformed thought patterns.So all this comes in with Christ thats why it is the beginning of the walk with Christ.
From there we must daily wash ourselves in our mind and in our actions as our Lord points to us when we read His word or meditate upon Him.

That's why so many are fleeing from church because Christ is pulling them but Church is repelling them away.Christ loves all and He never formed Christianity, he seeks everybody , those who want meaning and purpose in life, those who are forsaken by the world, those who view themselves as failures, the unwanted , the unattractive, the thirsty, the unloved, the betrayed, the grief stricken , the confused , every one of us .But we claiming ourselves to be His flock create hindrance through our words, our mouths, our view points, our actions and our attitudes.

So we should be careful how we walk especially before calling ourselves His children.

We should have humility, self control, be responsible , helpful, lifting up the oppressed and downtrodden, showing forgiveness, love , mercy, peacemakers.
His strength and not our own.
We may not be able to do it always , but we can precondition ourselves for this approach.

What has the world to offer today,
hatred, violence, starvation, greed, poverty, crimes, betrayal, hopelessness, rejection, desperation, selfishness.

Let us try to be the beam that beckons standing tall in the darkness.
Its very difficult that's why we need His presence and His power .


i thought and thought
about what to focus upon,
for in my mind where swirling thoughts
hitting me from every corner
please streamline them Lord,
they are too clouded,
my actions depend on my thoughts
for out of the abundance of heart our mouth speaks,

then i calmed myself
seizing from all efforts
allowing thoughts to calm down

Then flowed in the impact of
peaceful thoughts,
refreshing me, assuring me,
of a stronger hand behind me,
controlling my thought life

We forget the amount of work our mind does everyday, so much information processing,
then comes the choices that we make for every action we perform, even every passive
information that slips in influence us for they too get registered.

From this complex mess, streamlining happens, giving us the clarity, but what about the redundant impulses, where do they go, even they lie in some corner of our head to surface at unknown times of stimuli.

Amazing, and God knows every bit of what's happening inside.
incomprehensible ,

For there things beyond our comprehension,
and beyond our limited mind to grasp.

the sparrow

this little sparrow sang a song to me,
look at my nest up there ,
i built it day by day ,
everyday i brought a stick,
stuck them one by one,
and now its this beautiful house of mine.

so like me, build your dream day by day,
stitch them everyday,
make them strong till they materialize.

focussing on the negatives

I met one uncle of mine ,old and in his grey hair, who shared a special bond with me.While conversing with him on the topic of worry and anxiety , he shared this particular story about a period in his life.He said,
"Over the years i found myself deteriorating from a calm, composed person to a fretful, anxious and worried person.I kept asking myself what is it that is upsetting my thinking process, why in every situation , amidst positive end results its the fear of something negative happening keeps me from giving myself fully."
Uncle is an extremely creative person, who could paint, write poetry, stories apart from his vocation.In his writing he would imagine such places and people that oft times it would amaze me to hear about them.
As we talked we found that there is a connection between how one thinks and one's creativity , also between one 's perception of life and its outcomes to level of imagination.
The more negative imagination one carries about life in general, perceiving hypothetical negative outcomes for most circumstances and situations in life the more sadistic, pessimistic approach will that person have.
As most of us know,there are basically two sets of people-
the introverts and the extroverts.
People range from one extreme to another.
Among the four temperament view ,is the category of people called , melancholics, who often are very kind and compassionate but undergo depression or become pessimistic when they get more focused on the injustices and sufferings .They are highly creative people and are also the perfectionist type who seldom satisfied with what they do and always examining and reexamining situations that they could have done it better or dealt it better.
My uncle found himself falling into this category.
The series of events in his life which turned out not as per his expectations rather contradictory and because of the high aims he had set for himself, were making him to look out for reasons to why and how things happened.
There was a long hibernation in his life after certain unsatisfactory outcomes, during those times
of silence he went into further introspection , but every time he tried to come out , he faced hindrance especially other people pushing him down for his soft nature, finally he caved for he could not interpret with what was happening with and why was it happening.
But what kept him to attempt again to emerge back?
It was time for my train and i had to rush out but he promised me that he will share it with me in his letter .I am still waiting for it.
For he is such a beautiful person from within and had been a role model to many , a calm and confident disposition, very compassionate and helpful man, highly intelligent and creative , others pain was easily palpable to him, but those traits though they have not disappeared , but they have diminished and the most important he has lost his smile and peace which he always wore but now is seldom seen.
How important are our thought patterns and perspectives for us to live a balanced life.
I would like to look into the role of our upbringing and our personality type.
Until then may our Lords peace rule our hearts even when circumstances are not peaceful around.

disturbed mind

at times when u are left alone, being away from your dear ones, then all kinds of ill thoughts attack u from every corner especially if u are not in the right frame of mind,
what should one do,
for me,
i flee to the shelter of my Lord,
i call upon His name,
pray for the protection and care of near ones,
claim His promises for our well being,
push behind every disturbing thought, into His hands,
turn my eyes off the worry load and on to my Christ.

Why ,
because i cannot control all circumstances but He can,
for He is sovereign,
and His promises are there for us to use in times of need.

for iam weak but iam strong thro' Christ.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

With blessings and prayers from the almighty i start this.Its a beautiful day,but i am rushing through as lots need to be done on my work work front.I hear noises of construction work in progress,sweaty men and women labourers slogging under hot ,scorching sun as i see them i make a prayer for them,for that's all i can do at present.At the same time i thank God for where i am placed in this fleeting life i.e my family which means a lot to me.

Days and years are fleeting

they rush off so soon

leaving their marks and memories behind,

when i look back now

at all the years gone by
its my people who matter the most.

Godliness with contentment is great gain.
posted by joyful @ 9:15 PM