Wednesday, October 8, 2008

be the beam that beckons

But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. ~ Galatians 5: 13

As people representing Christ if we lead a life contrary to what Jesus preaches then its a hypocrisy.
Even daily behaviors , our beliefs, our view points can label us as hypocrites, if we say we believe in Christ but our lifestyle/ mindset points something else e.g
shouting at others,
showing attitudes,
throwing weights'
eating too much,
money mindedness,
swearing, gossiping,
not helping those in need,
trusting man than God,
but then when we come to Christ we come to Him with our old nature- with our baggage of childhood habits and beliefs, our family upbringing, our education, our preformed thought patterns.So all this comes in with Christ thats why it is the beginning of the walk with Christ.
From there we must daily wash ourselves in our mind and in our actions as our Lord points to us when we read His word or meditate upon Him.

That's why so many are fleeing from church because Christ is pulling them but Church is repelling them away.Christ loves all and He never formed Christianity, he seeks everybody , those who want meaning and purpose in life, those who are forsaken by the world, those who view themselves as failures, the unwanted , the unattractive, the thirsty, the unloved, the betrayed, the grief stricken , the confused , every one of us .But we claiming ourselves to be His flock create hindrance through our words, our mouths, our view points, our actions and our attitudes.

So we should be careful how we walk especially before calling ourselves His children.

We should have humility, self control, be responsible , helpful, lifting up the oppressed and downtrodden, showing forgiveness, love , mercy, peacemakers.
His strength and not our own.
We may not be able to do it always , but we can precondition ourselves for this approach.

What has the world to offer today,
hatred, violence, starvation, greed, poverty, crimes, betrayal, hopelessness, rejection, desperation, selfishness.

Let us try to be the beam that beckons standing tall in the darkness.
Its very difficult that's why we need His presence and His power .

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