Saturday, July 31, 2010

The wikileaks

The war against the Taliban in Afghan seems to be failing with increase in civilian and military casualties .Besides the growing instability in the region, despite increase in troops, hundreds of civilians have been killed in unreported incidents by the coalition forces. As per the wikileaks, 90,000 US Military files, reveal several concealed war secrets.
ISI of Pakistan, role in supplying arms and training the insurgents.Pakistan receives
Rise in Taliban attacks $1bn a year in military aid from US.
Reports describe covert ISI plots to train legions of suicide bombers, smuggle surface-to-air missiles into Afghanistan, assassinate President Hamid Karzai and poison western beer supplies.
Special operation to catch or kill Taliban leaders without Trial.
US covering up the evidence that the Taliban have acquired deadly surface-to-air missiles.
Use of deadly Reaper drones by the coalition to hunt and kill Taliban targets by remote control from a base in Nevada.
Roadside bomb plantings by Taliban have killed nearly 2000 civilians
Neighboring Pakistan and Iran supporting the Taliban

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aimed at fighting poverty, hunger, disease, and inequality to be achieved by 2015.
The Eight MDGs
1) Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger:
2) Universal Primary Education:.
3) Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women:
4) Reduce Child Mortality: Reduce by two-thirds, the under-five mortality rate.
5) Improve Maternal Health: universal access to reproductive health.
6) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Other Diseases:
7) Ensure Environmental Sustainability: sustainable development principle in country policies, reduce biodiversity loss by 2010,access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation; improve the lives of 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020.
8) Develop a Global Partnership for Development

C S Lewis quotes

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.

You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.

God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.

A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.

What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what kind of a person you are.

Friday, July 30, 2010

William Shakespeare quotes on Time management

Make use of time, let not advantage slip.

Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late.

Make use of time, let not advantage slip.

William Shakespeare

Stephen Covey Quotes on right attitudes in Life

Anytime we think the problem is "out there," that thought is the problem. We empower what's out there to control us. The change paradigm is "outside-in" - what's out there has to change before we can change.

The proactive approach is to change from the inside-out: to be different, and by being different, to effect positive change in what's out there - I can be more resourceful, I can be more diligent, I can be more creative, I can be more cooperative.

To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.

If we want to make relatively minor changes in our lives, we can perhaps appropriately focus on our attitudes and behaviors. But if we want to make significant, quantum change, we need to work on our basic paradigms

If you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way

Acidic oceans and disappearing coral reefs

With ever increasing level of greenhouse gas being pumped into the atmosphere, the oceans too receive its grunt.The CO2 dissolving in the oceans and seas is increasing the acidity of the waters making it hard for the life sustaining,oceanic ecosystem balancing, diverse and versatile coral reefs to disappear.The current levels of the greenhouse gas 387ppm , will drastically reduce , may even wipe out coral reefs across the earth oceans by 2065.The levels has to go down below for the corals to flourish.With the disappearance of reefs and the climate change, storms will have direct effect on many coastlines causing severe damages.

Sacred Mountain and Tribal Way of Life Threatened by mining

July 13, 2010 - India's Dongria Kondh Sacred Mountain and Tribal Way of Life Threatened by Unwanted British Vedanta MiningVedanta Resources, a British mining company, is set to destroy the forests, wildlife and way of life of the Dongria Kondh people. The Dongria Kondh have been struggling with all their might to protect their mountain but are being overpowered by the financial and political might of this multi-billion dollar company. They have been protesting locally for years, and have appealed for international support for their campaign to keep their sacred Niyamgiri Mountain ecologically and culturally intact

International Year of Biodiversity

Humans have been keen on exploiting the natural resources ever since technology spread its tentacles of power and control, more than preserving the nature which is the reason for our existence , we are today destroying the nature at a fast speed.Every act of our modern lifestyle has some detrimental effect on the nature.UN along with IUCN have decided to celebrate this as the International Year of Biodiversity.Creating more awareness about the vastness of species, . threats to their survival and ways of preserving them, are the key points in Focus.Join hands to preserve this sphere of life - our Earth.

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)

TEEB is about the concern the corporate world is paying towards conserving the once rich biodiversity of earth, which is being threatened now.It includes initiative by several corporate giants on the issue of preserving our planets versatility of species.It is good initiative, striving to protect and rebuild the nature, which so often is a victim in the hands of MNC's and is almost always exploited for commercial purposes.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Multidimensional poverty Index

This new method of mapping, developed by the Oxford institute , interprets and maps poverty on the basis of several factors, not just the income alone.Some of the other factors include, health, education, access to hygiene etc.Based on this mapping , India's poverty level stretches from that of being equivalent to Sierra Leone, Democratic republic of Congo( for some Indian states) to that of Indonesia or Morocco in few others.This shows the disparity in development and access to health and education among the different states in India, so certainly there is not any inclusive growth happening!

Times of Bonding with my Grandpa

My paternal grandpa was a manager during the British rule in India.He was educated at the prestigious St Xavier's school.A very well read person, he had many good collection of classic books and old paintings on freedom struggle.One particular painting was that of the Round table conference.He would share with me about the freedom struggle and also his job as a manager , which after few years he resigned to look after his ailing mother and take care of the land.The old house still has a stable, with pots inbuilt in the floor , from surface down for the horses to drink.I would wonder what it looked like those days with no noise of traffic , but only the galloping sound of horses.The house is made from hard stones, and has a wooden staircase, with a small door, bigger than a window, to go out on to the top of the veranda.From there one can hear the thrashing of waves, the Indian ocean.Those are fond moments of bonding with him.He is no more, but i can still see him before me, his wrinkled face, his habit of saying prayer, bending his head low, with his fist full of the food, and thanking God for the daily bread.I learnt being grateful for the food we often would otherwise take for granted. He would love to share about everything from literature, to politics, to poverty, to freedom struggle, philosophy, religion, the British Raj in India and above all i loved to hear him, to know about his life, he who had walked the life before me , in times very different from mine.For i wanted to strongly engrave his every word in my heart, for i knew he is getting old and this sharing may not be for long.

the stark realities of life

Those dreamy times of youth are slowly disappearing, the stark realities of life have in them the tendency to infuse us with a pessimism.Knowing and watching the hard scenes of life unfold as age passes by gives one a sense that in reality life does not have good endings.So many around me , i see them facing endless struggles, i wonder often what keeps them going, and whether their prayers will ever be heard.Indians believe that our present is a result of our past deeds, but very few seem to reflect that what they today, will according to their belief of karma, be seen in their next life. Bur dreams have in them a magic spell, if life were to be always viewed through lens of reality, then perhaps it will be hard for us to live with hope and optimism.

Disciplined Habits go a long way

Many prisons in India , are using the approaches for Holistic development of the inmates. This includes behavior modification through, meditation, exercises, yoga, etc. The inmates mostly come from the poor uneducated sector of the country. They in their lives would never have had to time to do daily mediation or yoga or any other discipline, all they run for from dawn to dusk , is to earn their daily wage, and in the evening spend all in liquor.
These exercises have transformed many inmates, helped them to gain control over their thoughts and actions .Its amazing to see that , a few disciplines if properly kept in the mornings , can give us a focused start and also have a strong role in shaping our thought processes.
That’s were we, learn from our parents, who play the role of inculcating in us certain good behavior, which will have a long lasting effect. We in turn must live it up and act as role models to our kids. Just as food tastes bland without salt, our lives are unsavory without disciplined habits.

My lost mornings ..........

Every Thought becomes the action,
every action becomes a habit,
every habit becomes behavior,
every behavior forms an individual character.
How true is this'.

An action repeated continuously for atleast 21 days , forms itself into an habit.
How hard it is for each one of us , to change our habits.
How so many times a pledge is taken, unless it is put into action through motivation, it fails to transform itself to the next step.

Several years back, while in my grandma's place, i used to watch my grandma getting up before dawn, to milk the cows.From the fresh milk, i got my best hot coffee.
She was old, tall and bony but this was her routine, never to change , until her bones refused to co-operate with her.
She strictly adhered to several rituals and followed them every morning.
I would ask her what motivates her to go about this errand every morning, she would reply" its simply the joy of doing things in their right time, and seeing the results".

I certainly lack in many disciplines , and one of them is giving a poor start for my day.I struggle to take myself off my bed.But once out, when i listen to the birds chirping and the quiet morning breeze, if feel, for the lost time.

Its because , while i my college days , i learnt to work late in nights, burning the midnight oil, in between gazing the stars, figuring out the constellations.As a researcher, the midnight hour seemed to stretch long enough , to give sufficient quiet time to do my work.But now i know , its the mornings , which are more valuable.
May i be able to use them purposefully.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ruskin Bonds Magic

I particularly enjoyed reading Ruskin Bonds stories, as a kid.This writer knows how to skillfully weave his stories.Even today , his books are famous among kids and they also form part of school textbooks.I want to collect more of his books.They have the magic of taking the reader to the Himalayan landscapes.

Poets across the world

When the languages of the worlds people got confused at Babel, they were no longer able to understand each other.There are so many languages around the world, yet to be able to understand them is a difficult task, today , with various sources of technology, we are provided with a platform to unravel the wisdom, nuggets of truth, various expressions present in them.

The poets across the world , be they from any region and any language , each through their own experiences have expressed through their works , much about their culture and traditions.Its beautiful to find the hint of that region through these few penned words.

The Jewish poet from Germany, Yehudi Amichai's poems were very meaningful and touching.I specially liked the one portraying the Arab-Jew conflict.
I hope to digg , more about this poet in future.

Un cementerio judío en Alemania

En una pequeña colina en medio de campos fértiles se encuentra un pequeño cementerio,
un cementerio judío detrás de una puerta oxidada, oculta por arbustos,
abandonado y olvidado. Ni el sonido de la oración
ni la voz del lamento se escucha allí
para los muertos no alaban al Señor.
Sólo las voces de nuestros niños toquen, la búsqueda de tumbas
y vítores
cada vez que encontremos uno - hongos como en el bosque, como
las fresas silvestres.
Aquí hay otra tumba! Ahí está el nombre de mi madre
madres, y un nombre desde el siglo pasado. Y aquí hay un nombre,
y allí! Y cuando estaba a punto de cepillar el musgo del nombre -
¡Mira! una mano abierta grabado en la lápida, la tumba
de un cohen,
los dedos extendidos en un espasmo de la santidad y bendición,
y aquí está una tumba oculta por una maraña de bayas
que tiene que ser dejado de lado como una mata de pelo
de la faz de una bella mujer amada.

Yehuda Amijai

Ein jüdischer Friedhof in Deutschland

The graves of past come out in front of the present Generation , as they go about their playing.Amidst the fun of their play time , the Jewish children discover their past.

Auf einem kleinen Hügel inmitten von fruchtbaren Feldern liegt ein kleiner Friedhof,
ein jüdischer Friedhof hinter einem rostigen Tor, durch Sträucher verdeckt,
verlassen und vergessen. Weder der Sound des Gebets
noch die Stimme der Klage ist es zu hören
für die Toten loben den Herrn nicht.
Nur die Stimmen unserer Kinder Ring heraus, sucht Gräber
und Jubel
jedes Mal finden sie ein - wie die Pilze im Wald, wie
Hier ist ein weiteres Grab! Es ist der Name meiner Mutter
Mütter, und einen Namen aus dem letzten Jahrhundert. Und hier ist ein Name,
und da! Und als ich mich auf das Moos aus dem Namen Pinsel -
Look! eine offene Hand, auf dem Grabstein, graviert das Grab
eines Kohen,
seine Finger in einem Krampf der Heiligkeit und Segen gespreizt,
Und hier ist ein Grab durch ein Dickicht von Beeren versteckt
Das hat zur Seite wie ein Haarschopf gebürstet werden
aus dem Gesicht einer schönen geliebten Frau.

Yehuda Amichai

An Arab shepherd is searching for his goat on Mount Zion

This is a very touchy poem by Yehuda Amichai, about the Jewish Arab conflict portrayed in a very simple , yet meaningful way.

An Arab shepherd is searching for his goat on Mount Zion
And on the opposite hill I am searching for my little boy.
An Arab shepherd and a Jewish father
Both in their temporary failure.
Our two voices met above
The Sultan's Pool in the valley between us.
Neither of us wants the boy or the goat
To get caught in the wheels
Of the "Had Gadya" machine.

Afterward we found them among the bushes,
And our voices came back inside us
Laughing and crying.

Searching for a goat or for a child has always been
The beginning of a new religion in these mountains.

Yehuda Amichai

Soren Kierkegaard Prayer Quotes

Soren Kierkegaard Prayer Quotes

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays

Without risk, faith is an impossibility.

To stand on one leg and prove God's existence is a very different thing from going down on one's knees and thanking him.

Teach me, O God, not to torture myself, not to make a martyr out of myself through stifling reflection, but rather teach me to breathe deeply in faith.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer quotes on prayer

If we are to pray well, perhaps it is a great need to pray against our own heart. It is what we pray is important, but what God wants us to pray. The wealth of the Word of God to determine our prayer, not poverty of our heart.

All day you receive the order and discipline when you buy the unit. This unit should be sought and found in morning prayer.

The morning prayer determines the day.

The temptations that come with working hours will be conquered on the basis of the break in the morning to God.The decisions, which requires work, the easier and simpler which are not in fear of men, but only in the eyes of God. He now wants to give us the power we need for our work.

Prayer is not just about opening your heart. It means rather to find the way to God and talk to him, if your heart is full or empty.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

More about Dominique Lapierre's books How You Can Help
Through this site i was able to know the work carried by the authors foundation in Calcutta.
Visit this site to find out more about Dominique Lapierre's books and about the city of joy

Cours Soren Kierkegaard prière

Cours Soren Kierkegaard prière

La prière ne change pas Dieu, mais elle change celui qui prie

Sans risque, la foi est une impossibilité.

Pour tenir sur une jambe et de prouver l'existence de Dieu est une chose très différente de descendre sur les genoux et en le remerciant.

Apprends-moi, ô Dieu, de ne pas me torture, de ne pas en faire un martyr de moi-même par étouffer la réflexion, mais

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux quotes on Love and Prayer

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux quotes on Love and Prayer

"Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love."

"For me, prayer is a movement of the heart; it is a simple glance toward Heaven; it is a cry of gratitude and love in times of trial as well as in times of joy; finally, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus. . . . I have not the courage to look through books for beautiful prayers.... I do like a child who does not know how to read; I say very simply to God what I want to say, and He always understands me."

Santa Teresa de Lisieux, el amor citas y Oración

Santa Teresa de Lisieux, el amor citas y Oración

"El amor se demuestra con hechos, por lo que ¿cómo voy a demostrar mi amor? Gran hechos me están prohibidas. La única manera que puedo demostrar mi amor es por esparcir flores y estas flores son cada pequeño sacrificio, cada mirada y la palabra, y hacer el de los menos acciones para el amor. "

"Para mí, la oración es un movimiento del corazón, es una simple mirada hacia el cielo, es un grito de gratitud y de amor en tiempos de prueba, así como en tiempos de alegría y, por último, es algo grande, sobrenatural, que dilata el alma y me une a Jesús.... No tengo la valentía de mirar a través de libros de oraciones hermosa .... me gusta un niño que no sabe leer, yo digo sencillamente a Dios lo que quiero que decir, y Él siempre me comprende ".

Dietrich Bonhoeffer citas sobre la oración

Dietrich Bonhoeffer citas sobre la oración

Si vamos a orar bien, quizás es muy necesario que oremos en contra de nuestro propio corazón. No es lo que queremos orar es importante, pero lo que Dios quiere que oremos. La riqueza de la Palabra de Dios debe determinar nuestra oración, no la pobreza de nuestro corazón.

Toda la jornada recibe orden y la disciplina cuando se adquiere la unidad. Esta unidad debe ser buscado y encontrado en oración de la mañana.

La oración de la mañana determina el día.

Las tentaciones que acompañan a la jornada de trabajo será conquistada sobre la base de la ruptura por la mañana a Dios.

Las decisiones, que exige el trabajo, más fácil y más simple en el que no se hacen en el temor de los hombres, pero sólo ante los ojos de Dios. Él nos quiere dar hoy el poder que necesitamos para nuestro trabajo.

La oración no significa simplemente abrir el corazón. Significa más bien para encontrar el camino hacia Dios y hablar con él, si el corazón está lleno o vacío.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WWF India - Donate for tigers

WWF India - Donate for tigers
The indian BengalTiger is vanishing.In past 100 yrs its numbers have gone down by 97%.Only 3200 left.Save the Tigers.

The Ancient Mexican -Hanequen

The valley of Mexico, a cradle to many rulers.From the succulent plant agave , called hanequen, beaten and then made to thin threads.From this baskets, ropes, hammocks, bags etc were made.This was one of the major source of export during the Spaniard rule from the Yucatan province.Its slowly dying now.This beautiful can say craft form is vanishing.

WWF India - Recycle your mobile phone

WWF India - Recycle your mobile phone
if each of us recycled ONE mobile phone, we would save as much energy and pollution as taking 4 million cars off our roads?

Monday, July 26, 2010

In this hour of doubt and disturbance

In this hour of doubt and disturbance, I rely on you.I don’t want my fears to reign over me.For you know my needs and my strengths, my limitations, all are laid bare before you, even when I falter, I know your faithfulness abides.Hear my prayer, change the hard hearts, let them soften , let them get favourable, let them cooperate, please make way Lord , because you are faithful.I commit my needs to Thy hand, do the needful, I abide myself under your shadows, and will see you making way for me , as you did for the Israelites as they crossed the Red Sea.I will thank you for hearing my plea.


Demand Dignity | Amnesty International

Demand Dignity | Amnesty International
This is the new campaign by Amnesty , to give a life dignity to the poor of the world, to end injustice, to give a voice to them.

Forgetting Children Born of War

A book about war crimes on women, their exploitation and the stigma and the scar the children born due to this carry with them,with emphasis on on the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
By-R. Charli Carpenter is assistant professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.


• 1.02 billion people do not have enough to eat - more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union;
(Source: FAO news release, 19 June 2009)
• 907 million people in developing countries alone are hungry;
(Source: The State of Food Insecurity in the World, FAO, 2008)
• Asia and the Pacific region is home to over half the world’s population and nearly two thirds of the world’s hungry people;
(Source: The State of Food Insecurity in the World, FAO, 2008)
• More than 60 percent of chronically hungry people are women;
(Source: The State of Food Insecurity in the World, FAO, 2006)
• 65 percent of the world's hungry live in only seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia.
(Source: The State of Food Insecurity in the World, FAO, 2008)

The volcano under Eyjafjallajokull glacier

The volcano under Eyjafjallajokull glacier
The fifth largest glacier in Iceland was showing signs of seismic activity, from the end of last year. The volcano’s activity was slowly increasing , with around 3000 earhquakes being measured between March 3-5.The magma was flowing into its vent.The final push of the magma came this April with a dramatic show, blocking off the sun, bright display of colors, the black carpet of ash across huge acres, the smoky sky with zero visibility, the local river water rise and finally no flights across the Northern Europe for six consecutive days. The flight disruption was the second one after the Second World War, around 63,000 flights grounded.

Heat from Volcano melted of the ice around the glacier, leading to the full flow of river draining the glacier, which was breaking off its banks.
This volcano is part of the series of volcano which sits on the north Atlantic ridge. The tectonic movements below this ridge is the cause of the seismic activity.
Though the volcanic eruption was not the big on the explosivity scale , but it was the size of the ash cloud , prevailing across the entire northern European sky , which was the reason for flight suspensions.
A contrast of black against the white back ground, with intermittent red hot fire raging out in the sky , even upto the height of 11kms,was a spectacular as well as horrifying display. The smoke with ash caused flights to be suspended all across Europe.

The last time this volcano erupted , in 1821, it went on for a very long time, till 1823.Its proximity to the bigger Mt Katla , was the cause of concern, which if triggered will send a mightier and more widespread global explosion The last two times Eyjafjallajokull erupted, it also triggered Mt Katla.

Doubt and Fear

Things look difficult,i am trying various ways to analyze them and finding out solution, Christ calls me and says" do not fret, i will provide a way".One part of mind wants to surrender and say" for God knows the best plans for me, He will surely provide some aid"
The other part if frozen by fear, is only willing to do things of my own,feels the help may not arrive or i will not receive favor or the situation may not change.
I struggle and say to myself , " i will quieten myself for some time, during that time i will ask for help from the one who can make all things happen"

Doubt, fear and fretfulness block off my sight from What God can do.

Help me to prevail on you Lord.My wisdom is sure not enough to solve things.Then why do i fret in vain...............?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Paulo Freire quotes on Tolerance

No one can learn tolerance in a climate of irresponsibility, which does not produce democracy. The act of tolerating requires a climate in which limits may be established, in which there are principles to be respected. That is why tolerance is not coexistence with the intolerable. Under an authoritarian regime, in which authority is abused, or a permissive one, in which freedom is not limited, one can hardly learn tolerance. Tolerance requires respect, discipline, and ethics.

Being tolerant does not mean acquiescing to the intolerable; it does not mean covering up disrespect; it does not mean coddling the aggressor or disguising aggression. Tolerance is the virtue that teaches us to live with the different. It teaches us to learn from and respect the different.

Best ,Quick exercises to lose weight

I have found the following three exercises works really well,
Running for atleast five minutes , a day or even alternative days,
Skipping for 7-8 minutes, with intermittent gaps
Cycling for ten minutes daily or alternative days.

Paulo Freire

"La confiance du peuple dans les chefs reflète la confiance des dirigeants dans le peuple."

Paulo Freire's views on Teaching and education.

Paulo Freire's views on Teaching and education.
I was reading about this great man from Brazil, who was able to think deeply , about the methodology of teaching and children psychology. His educational theory , places emphasis on some very critical teaching points , very much lacking in today’s education system. He clearly reflects the gaps present in , what teaching is meant to be and way it is presented in practice.A revolutionary in the field of education and teaching methodology, one needs to learn a lot from this critical thinker. His own experience, while growing up with poor kids, reflects in his concern for their education .Below are some of his views

Finally, it is important to make it clear that imagination is not an exercise for those detached from reality, those who live in the air. On the contrary, when we imagine something, we do it necessarily conditioned by a lack in our concrete reality. When children imagine free and happy schools, it is because their real schools deny them freedom and happiness.

Educators need to know what happens in the world of the children with whom they work. They need to know the universe of their dreams, the language with which they skillfully defend themselves from the aggressiveness of their world, what they know independently of the school, and how they know it.

...teaching cannot be a process of transference of knowledge from the one teaching to the learner. This is the mechanical transference from which results machine like memorization, which I have already criticized. Critical study correlates with teaching that is equally critical, which necessarily demands a critical way of comprehending and of realizing the reading of the word and that of the world, the reading of text and of context.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rejuvenating times

For past few days , I noticed feeling unusually exhausted, unable to think, focus, feeling very drained. I forced myself to take a short nap, 10-15 minutes. I felt rejuvenated after that.Few hours later, the episode repeated again.I knew my Hb levels had been little above from border line, but the reason b/h such tiredness, I wondered what could be it.It struck me then , about the Ciprofloxacin , I had been taking, for my pain.Today is better feeling day.Its a beautiful evening, mind feels at peace.Going out to look at the beauty outside.God bless all , with rejuvenating times like this.Listen to those who call u Father

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nonprofit - Philanthropy articles from McKinsey Quarterly

Nonprofit - Philanthropy articles from McKinsey Quarterly
Acumen Fund founder and CEO Jacqueline Novogratz shares stories of social-sector entrepreneurship in an excerpt from her new book, The Blue Sweater. A video interview with the author takes you behind the book.

My precious Amazon

The Amazon forests are vanishing, day by day, month by month, year by year, as inch by inch its vastness gets reduced .The deforestation , happening due to human activities , will make this thick jungle disappear from the face of earth one day.This huge mass of forests seen as the thickest and largest green patch on the earth from the satellite is home to several species of flora and fauna, which too are disappearing.Many of them not even in the records of Taxonomy.This forest has been highhandedly responsible for rain formation, preventing global warming, source of river etc.But when humans entered into it , and started using it commercial purpose , its death has begun.There were the Incas and the Mayans , living harmoniously with Amazon centuries ago, unlike the modern man , whose sole aim is personal benefit.Thanks to the effort of few organizations , who are taking steps to save this forest from disappearing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

NewsDaily: Now scientists read your mind better than you can

NewsDaily: Now scientists read your mind better than you can
It is the one region of the prefrontal cortex that we know is disproportionately larger in humans than in other primates," he added. "This region is associated with self-awareness, and seems to be critical for thinking about yourself and thinking about your preferences and values.

Billionaires join hands for charity

I saw today's news  in Reuters , about the decision made by two worlds wealthy giants, Bill gates and Warren buffet on giving half their wealth for the purpose of charity. That is  certainly a welcoming news, considering the fact that more than half of wealth is locked in the hands of few.Bill and Melinda gates foundation is already doing a lot of work in developing countries.They have raised the standard of living  for millions of children, providing education, food and shelter.Their work in the area of AIDS vaccine is commendable.There are so many millionaires and billionaires, they have earned money through right and wrong means, and if few of them make a choice to use it for uplifting purpose, its certainly a green signal.Hope even Indian billionaires will come forward.

Warren Buffett, Bill Gates ask billionaires to give away wealth | Reuters

Warren Buffett, Bill Gates ask billionaires to give away wealth | Reuters
From the article "They have named the campaign the Giving Pledge and are asking those who commit to giving away at least half their fortune during their lifetime or after their death to publicly state their intention with a letter explaining their decision."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How Will You Measure Your Life? - Harvard Business Review

How Will You Measure Your Life? - Harvard Business Review
From the article-"For me, having a clear purpose in my life has been essential. But it was something I had to think long and hard about before I understood it. When I was a Rhodes scholar, I was in a very demanding academic program, trying to cram an extra year’s worth of work into my time at Oxford. I decided to spend an hour every night reading, thinking, and praying about why God put me on this earth. That was a very challenging commitment to keep, because every hour I spent doing that, I wasn’t studying applied econometrics. I was conflicted about whether I could really afford to take that time away from my studies, but I stuck with it—and ultimately figured out the purpose of my life."

The story of slum woman and her circumstances

This post, that i have posted below,  from The Hindu, the very old and famous news daily from India, depicts the life of a sex worker, getting into the trade by circumstances and compulsion .How everyone from her  son with cerebral palsy, to her brothers , get a better life because of her income, moved me to tears .Her elder son is ashamed of his mother , because of the trade. The huge money , with which she returns back home is because of the rich who use her.What an irony!.What is for one woman , her survival and livelihood, is for the other person , just another pleasure giving activity.There are countless women like her today, selling themselves for food, and daily survival.

The Hindu : Magazine / Columns : No regrets at all

The Hindu : Magazine / Columns : No regrets at all
A story of survival...
Excerpt "
Yet, in a slum in Chennai, Salim has grown to confident adulthood, under the care of Shahnaaz, an ageing sex worker. The bond that his mother shares with her boy with cerebral palsy is perhaps the only one in her entire lifetime that has never let her down."

The Hindu : Magazine / Issues : Why are we afraid of the caste census?

The Hindu : Magazine / Issues : Why are we afraid of the caste census?
A caste census would…provide the basis for framing sound development policies required for social justice.
In rural India, even today, the first words uttered by way of introduction when two persons meet are — “what is your caste….?”; a piece of information people seem most enthusiastic to elicit from each other before anything else.

Friday, July 16, 2010

"Carry out your plan in every detail, for it is the will of  the Lord" Nathan replied.
1 Chronicles 17:2

When our plans are aligned to God,s will, all resources and aids line up together to provide the momentum.When it is not, we discover that we have worked in futile.Many are the desires of mans heart , but only few are as per God's will.Seeking His will helps us to use our brief time on earth ,in the most productive and satisfying way.
Is not life too hard , for many others around us?.If i look at the lives of those women braving all abuse and violence in Afghan, lives of many innocent children in Haiti, it will reveal to me, , the inequality that is apparent.Some have comfortable lives and some have no means  and strength to escape  or rise up from their, . tragedy.It is us those with whatever resources we are blessed with, who has to decide , how to invest in these lives.Some plans of ours,   so close to our heart , are also the very pulse of God,  and  we see the way opening before us to carry out the Good work
King David was so concerned in the above text about, he living in cedar wood palace and the Lord's ark having no place for itself.His concerns , make God to  open up way for him , to build the temple through his son Solomon.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

never ask "why?"

There are lots of "why" type questions that i often ask myself and to God, but very seldom do i get answers for them.Most times, when i see whats happening in lives of some of the good people i know, i can't help myself from asking "why " type questions.

Sometimes God's ways seem very perplexing, very confusing, His workings are not at all understood.I asked some veterans of faith and they answered me " it is better to thank God for everything He gives us, good or bad" . Just as i ask "why 's " to my dad, i sometimes say to myself , it is in same manner , iam asking to my father God.Habakkuk, asked, Nehemiah reminded God about the good works he carried out,Jonah asked.But too much dwelling on why's, seems really dangerous, it can sow seeds of doubt on God's sovereignty and also make us to falter from His tracks.
I have been trying not to ask why, instead praise Him.I sure have plenty of reasons to praise God, but looking at the lives of some of my close ones, and the injustice prevailing ,
"why" , pops up now and then.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Life in India

A stark contrast is clearly visible, one side i can see big , expensive cars, and on other side people below a dollar a day income.In big cities, i see people living on pavements , with just a sleeping bag for possession,traffic everywhere, long queues for daily fetching of water and lack of basic sanitation, the other side big software companies, beautiful university campuses, everything side by side, India is truly a country of contrast.Yet within this country are beautiful places, beautiful people, mouthwatering cuisines, diverse culture, different language, innumerable customs and traditions, different religions , but the harsh reality is still the people on the pavements , yet they go about their daily life with a sense of hope which is very hard to understand.I seem to lose hope looking at the conditions and corruption within my country but truly feel wordless to describe the spirit within those fighting for each meal , every day.

Friday, July 9, 2010

World Vision: child poverty in Africa - sponsor a child in Sierra Leone - Telegraph

World Vision: child poverty in Africa - sponsor a child in Sierra Leone - Telegraph

The land between Tigris and Euphratus-Mesopotamia

I remember studying about the Mesopotamian civilization that existed during the time of Indus civilization in my history books.With eyes wide open and with great interest i , read about the people, society and practices of those civilizations.Presence of the excavated sites reveals , their ancient houses , made up of brick, mortar and stone was much like ours.Ordered street , with houses built one after the other,well constructed drainage system , reveals existence of construction methods much before the modern inventions.Known for polytheism, art, pottery, writing, well established trade , this ancient Mesopotamia , the cradle of civilizations ,which existed during 3100 BC , was much advanced than what we can probably imagine.
Its worth pondering, at their methods and practices, at a time when the present technology was non existent.
Just feel like going back into those times, and watching the people , their lives, their families, their beliefs which sustained them, Looks like this land and its people ,between the Tigris and Euphrates, were much ahead of their time.


In Nekhlyudov, as in all of us, there were two men. One was the spiritual being, seeking for himself only the kind of happiness that meant happiness for other people too; but there was also the animal man out only for his own happiness….”

“One of the commonest and most generally accepted delusions is that every man can be qualified in some particular way—said to be kind, wicked, stupid, energetic, apathetic and so on. People are not like that.” (252)
“Human beings are like rivers: the water is one and the same in all of them but every river is narrow in some places; flows swifter in others….”

Tolstoy's view on Christ

* Five years ago I began to believe in the doctrine of Christ, and in consequence a great change has been wrought in me.
Men need only trust in Christ's teaching and obey it, and there will be peace on earth

* I saw that Christ does not require us to turn the other cheek, and to give away our cloak, in order to make us suffer; but He teaches us not to resist evil, and warns us that doing so may involve personal suffering.

* ‘Do not resist evil’ means never to resist evil, i.e., never offer violence to anyone. If a man reviles you, do not revile him in return; suffer, but do no violence.

* The precept ‘not to resist evil’ is one that contains the whole substance of Christ’s doctrine, if we consider it not only as a saying, but also as a law we are bound to obey.

* To affirm that the Christian doctrine refers only to personal salvation and has no bearing upon state affairs is a great error.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

my missed oppurtunities

When we look back at some missed chances in my life, sometimes a thought or two would cross my mind , telling me if only this had happened then things would have been different.
But on greater introspection and upon reflection from the Bible , i am able to dispel those thoughts away , since each every event in an individuals life , remotely random ones too are ordered by tne divine hands of the master planner, little by little His plan unfolds, and one day in future we are able to make sense of the events of the past .Sometimes it just remains a mystery , for i walk by faith , not by sight.When one door closes, another opens.

A quote here-
If you view all the things that happen to you,
both good and bad, as opportunities,
then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness.
-Les Brown

The Republic by Plato

Plato’s opinion are written in a book called The Republic.Plato in his book emphasizes on the value of virtues in human life and in the society.He gives importance to the value of justice.Plato believed in the importance of presence of equality in society.
He set himself in pursuit of knowledge of noble character. Plato believed that every human has three souls , which make their inputs into the individuals character.
The rational soul is the distinguishes between the right and the wrong, acts wisely.While the will or the spirited soul, is the courageous part, which carries out the action and the desire part is the emotional drive.

Russia And Europe May Join Forces To Protect Earth From Asteroids

Russia And Europe May Join Forces To Protect Earth From Asteroids

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Rwandan Genocide of 1994

I read the stories of various survivors, the torturous time they underwent , it was truly Hell let loose in Rwanda.The memories of these horrifying crimes can never ever be etched away from the minds of Rwandans.In 1994, around 80000 Rwandan were killed, by the Hutu majority(Interahamwe ).Those killed belonged to the Tutsi minority. This was done as an organized mass scale slaughter , within the timeframe of 100 days.
The exterminations were planned very carefully , with the armed militia present in every neighborhood, armed with grenades and AK-47.It is said to have started on April 6, 1994, with the killing of Rwandan President Habyarimana.
The Hutu militia then based on ID’s revealing ethnic identity, went from one area to another killing the Tutus. The first day ended with thousands of Tutus being murdered.
UN could nothing, nor the other countries.Though they rescued their own civilians not much was done to stop the killings. Even within the safe areas, the killings continued, until by mid july, when the Tutsi RPF forces captured Kigali. The Hutu government had to flee to Zaire. International Federation of Human Rights Leagues and the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch released a 900 paged report titled, "Leave None to Tell the Story.",documenting the events of the genocide , which also criticizes the U.N., the U.S., France and Belgium for not taking action to prevent the killings. The secretary general of UN and US president Bill Clinton apologized to the people of Rwanda.

Orphans of war deserve our support | Human Rights Watch

Orphans of war deserve our support | Human Rights Watch

We fear we'll end

When life goes in directions we didn't expect, and when those directions include suffering and frustration, we can easily become discouraged. We wonder if God has forgotten us. We worry that our lives will sputter out like a car that has run out of gas. We fear we'll end, "not with a bang, but a whimper," to quote T. S. Eliot's

Monday, July 5, 2010

Motivated by the live traffic feed results

Today i rigged a little bit into the Traffic feed , and found to my surprise people who have visited, from several countries, many unexpected destinations and read several of my blog pages.It makes me feel happy , as though some kind of recognition has been given to me.Though i write often like "keeping a journal", its good to feel that others too are reading these.
I realize how correct Maslow was, about the various needs that humans have, especially the need for recognition and acceptance.
If only we would walk a little mile extra each day to encourage others who are part of our lives, the world would become a very wonderful place to live, our homes will be a happier abode

Encouragement will increase motivation,
endorphins triggered would heal one of stress,
a positive mood will ensue,
you in turn will influence others positively.
Ruth Joyful

I would like to add this quote,
Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.

The Rainy Day by Rabindranath Tagore

The Rainy Day by Rabindranath Tagore
Sullen clouds are gathering fast over the black fringe of the
O child, do not go out!
The palm trees in a row by the lake are smiting their heads
against the dismal sky; the crows with their dragged wings are
silent on the tamarind branches, and the eastern bank of the river
is haunted by a deepening gloom.
Our cow is lowing loud, ties at the fence.
O child, wait here till I bring her into the stall.
Men have crowded into the flooded field to catch the fishes
as they escape from the overflowing ponds; the rain-water is
running in rills through the narrow lanes like a laughing boy who
has run away from his mother to tease her.
Listen, someone is shouting for the boatman at the ford.
O child, the daylight is dim, and the crossing at the ferry
is closed.
The sky seems to ride fast upon the madly rushing rain; the
water in the river is loud and impatient; women have hastened home
early from the Ganges with their filled pitchers.
The evening lamps must be made ready.
O child, do not go out!
The road to the market is desolate, the lane to the river is
slippery. The wind is roaring and struggling among the bamboo
branches like a wild beast tangled in a net.

I am happy that it finally rained.

Today it rained in this town of mine, oh ! what a joy to see those tiny drops of water wet this parch land, the shrubs, trees , creepers and the climbers all looked wet with the drops , welcoming these long awaited guests who were so reluctant to come down.Everyday , over past week , i saw the clouds gathering in the evening, the dark clouds, forming an assembly, thunderously echoing their voice in unison ,but the drops inside seemed to be holding tight , not willing to shower down , their blessings.Though for a short period , yet it rained, and I am happy that it finally rained.The smell of earth (due to Streptomyces griseus), was so welcoming.The breeze followed, adding its inputs into this unfolding rain scenario.
Send these showers often Lord!.Let me add to this few lines from Longfellow's poem on the summer rain.

In the country, on every side,
Where far and wide,
Like a leopard's tawny and spotted hide,
Stretches the plain,
To the dry grass and the drier grain
How welcome is the rain!

Rain in Summer
by Henry W. Longfellow

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Neem tree

Though i don't live in a very green place, nor is my part of country blessed with with a pleasant climate, which i really long to prevail, yet my house has in front of two gigantic trees , they almost loom into the sky, their wide canopy covers everything below, giving us a cool shade, a haven to birds, and especially their greenness is something which is very attracting to me.Too many attempts by others to cut it down, every time we intervened, and today as i call it, when i see it from a distance " our patriarch"..Its been there for more than a decade and i hope to see it for a long long time.
The tree seems to echo to me , some kind of strength, some kind of dignity in its gigantic nature, it stands there quite composed, providing joy to us .I love to look at it every morning, hears the birds sing their songs, and the swaying branches dancing to their songs.This is our mini effort to save two trees, when we see many a tree falling down under the axe.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of the church. We are fighting today for costly grace."
"Costly grace is the treasure hidden in the field. For the sake of it a man will gladly go and sell all that he has. It is the pearl of great price, to buy which the merchant will sell all his goods. It is the kingly rule of Christ, for whose sake a man will pluck out the eye which causes him to stumble. It is the call of Jesus Christ, at which the disciple leaves his nets and follows him. Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again, the gift which must be asked for, the door at which a man must knock.

"Such grace is costly because it calls us to follow, and it is grace because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life. It is costly because it condemns sin, and grace because it justifies the sinner. Above all, it is costly because it cost God the life of his son. "Ye were born at a price."
And what has cost God much cannot be cheap for us."
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

The MOROCCON nomadic life

Morocco is a country located in the northern part of the African subcontinent.Its people , their beliefs , their customs , especially their food is very interest arousing.

The nomadic life seen at the Saharan border, was unbelievable.People living there in tents and shelters brazing the extreme heat and winds of the desert, it was truly unbelievable to imagine their life there.
Yet they live in the most dignified manner , cooking their simple food, mostly vegetables, relying on their camels for transportation and goats for milk.
The spices of Morocco needs mentioning, it adds the special flavor and aroma to their cuisine.
The breads baked in special traditional ovens made with desert sand, which brought forth brown crusty bread looked beautiful.The desert winds aiding the cooking process. Both Berbers and Saharan nomads live here, the Saharawi nomads are more known.Their rich folklore , their handicrafts are unique.
Its amazing to see people living in small tents with everything inside getting layed with the desert sand, yet to see them milk their goats, herd their camels, eat their food together like a family, with the food spread for all on one plate and each sharing the meal, dipping the bread in the gravy kept commonly for all, depicted a life more enriching then our comfort filled, stress filled , without family time , rush hour lives.
This is from my own writing for another of my blog.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

To My Wife - by Oscar Wilde

To My Wife - by Oscar Wilde

I can write no stately poem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.

For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair,
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.

And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land,
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.

triumph over affliction

By means of affliction, God molds His children into comfort carriers (2 Cor. 1:4). The message we offer is the one we learned in our trials: God is enough. He is sufficient to meet needs when the pit is deep, the obstacle high, or the suffering prolonged. Moreover, our own life proves that hardship makes Christians stronger and wiser.
Second Corinthians 2:14 tells us that believers are a sweet aroma on the earth. Those whom God leads to triumph over affliction become the fragrance of His care to a hurting world. We carry cheer to the discouraged, relief to the hurting, and the message of Christ's love to all.
Dr. Charles Stanley

each day i fail to focus

I planned several things , but each day i fail to focus, why?
My heart is not quiet, its agitated, it is protesting, my thoughts are wandering.
Lord iam helpless, gather my stray thoughts, help me put the helmet of salvation,
And trust you.


Don't feel victimized,cheated, forsaken and betrayed,

today was a very wasted day for me, a small event kept nudging me so much that i lost my control.But learnt the lesson that sometimes things on which we lean too much , are shaken by God , to make us realize that we ought to lean on God.
Which means learning His golden rule- Wait , Wait and Wait...........
Don't rush.
Be patient
Look at the bigger picture.
Don't feel victimized,cheated, forsaken and betrayed, for........
everything has its purpose.
Quiet my soul Lord with your touch, i need to feel your presence,
Help me feel you.
