Friday, July 2, 2010

The MOROCCON nomadic life

Morocco is a country located in the northern part of the African subcontinent.Its people , their beliefs , their customs , especially their food is very interest arousing.

The nomadic life seen at the Saharan border, was unbelievable.People living there in tents and shelters brazing the extreme heat and winds of the desert, it was truly unbelievable to imagine their life there.
Yet they live in the most dignified manner , cooking their simple food, mostly vegetables, relying on their camels for transportation and goats for milk.
The spices of Morocco needs mentioning, it adds the special flavor and aroma to their cuisine.
The breads baked in special traditional ovens made with desert sand, which brought forth brown crusty bread looked beautiful.The desert winds aiding the cooking process. Both Berbers and Saharan nomads live here, the Saharawi nomads are more known.Their rich folklore , their handicrafts are unique.
Its amazing to see people living in small tents with everything inside getting layed with the desert sand, yet to see them milk their goats, herd their camels, eat their food together like a family, with the food spread for all on one plate and each sharing the meal, dipping the bread in the gravy kept commonly for all, depicted a life more enriching then our comfort filled, stress filled , without family time , rush hour lives.
This is from my own writing for another of my blog.

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