Monday, July 5, 2010

I am happy that it finally rained.

Today it rained in this town of mine, oh ! what a joy to see those tiny drops of water wet this parch land, the shrubs, trees , creepers and the climbers all looked wet with the drops , welcoming these long awaited guests who were so reluctant to come down.Everyday , over past week , i saw the clouds gathering in the evening, the dark clouds, forming an assembly, thunderously echoing their voice in unison ,but the drops inside seemed to be holding tight , not willing to shower down , their blessings.Though for a short period , yet it rained, and I am happy that it finally rained.The smell of earth (due to Streptomyces griseus), was so welcoming.The breeze followed, adding its inputs into this unfolding rain scenario.
Send these showers often Lord!.Let me add to this few lines from Longfellow's poem on the summer rain.

In the country, on every side,
Where far and wide,
Like a leopard's tawny and spotted hide,
Stretches the plain,
To the dry grass and the drier grain
How welcome is the rain!

Rain in Summer
by Henry W. Longfellow

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