Wednesday, February 17, 2010

John Brown ,Missionary tto Samoa

John Brown, born in Durham, England in 1835 was a missionary to the Islands of Samoa.
He worked there for 14 yrs from 1860-1874, mastering the native language and focusing on education and upliftment.helper.He founded the Piula Theological College .He worked among the Samoans to bring them into ministry, costructing churches, mission complexes etc.He wrote extensively on the Somoan culture.He was a diarist and kept a record of his missionary life therein 1875 he moved to New Britain Islands and had difficult time working among the cannibalistic natives.Later he served as the secretary of missions for the Methodist Church during which time his knowledge about the cultures of Polynesian and Melanesian islands was of immense importance .

.About him,
‘ Brown had lived amongst the islanders since 1860 and was an unrivalled source of stories and information about the people and their culture. He was also a regular correspondent of the Zoological Society of London, and knowledgeable about local flora and fauna.”
“Having decided that I ought to do justice to myself and the Missionary Society by whom I am sent out [I decided] to keep some record of any events which may take place during my stay. I think it best to commence by a short outline of our proceedings since we said farewell to our kind friends in Auckland and started on our journey to this place.”
The journals proceed with a detailed account of life on the Pacific Islands, revealing his interest in landscape, folk tales and local beliefs. He found the people “to be amongst the nicest and most lovable people with whom I have ever lived.”
“[a] splendid [man], with no humbug, plenty of courage, and the love of adventure.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

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