Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fear,Faith ,Worry..............and Dreams

As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.
-As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.
-Emmanuel Teney

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.
-Henry Ward Beecher

To me faith means not worrying.
-John Dewey

Faith isn’t the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It’s simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.
- Joni Erickson Tada

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.
-Mary Manin Morrissey

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