Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a better future

Every morning when i open the papers i invariably end up feeling whats happening in this big world of mine and when all this is going to change.Then i do some self explanation and if time permits seek answers from the scripture.The plight of people caught in helpless situations , war , terrorism, poverty, disease , slums, a section of people having no place to put their heads on , who have no hygiene, no sanitation, no surety of three times a day meal,beggars and then there is another section of people, moving around in A/C cars, stylish, making fashion statements, have loads of wealth but apparently unaware or atleast they seem so of the plight of the lesser ones.

Then there are the fanatics who go about killing or destroying the peace and integrity of human life in the name of religion.

Everyone does as it seems right to one's mind, so what can i do, thank God for the life he has given me today and to my near ones, pray fot the suffering ones, count my blessings, help by some means to some one who is needy, contribute to orphanages, money, food or clothes.

In my country there is plenty of need, people are waiting hopelessly for help.
If each of one us , the fortunate ones will learn to share, and teach our kids the same, probably the world has a chance of better and peaceful future.

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