Sunday, February 15, 2009

understanding life

I love the book of proverbs , it is the best book for practical knowledge.I have oft times tried viewing life from the "other" persons perspective, like for example what would it be for a person who is going thro' some painful experience, it has helped me to be more sensitive to people around, to make the most of each day, to pass on smiles or a kind word to some one in need.

Of late i am into memorizing lot of scripture portions, and it amazes me to discover that bible is book with so many practical tips.For instance- " let your yes be yes and your no be no" is a very profound statement.

I have realized so far that attempts of shrinking life into my own viewing space has been met with complete failure, for there are so many kinds of people in this world and each viewing life in their own perspective but the most important thread that sustains each one of them is belief.

I think king Solomon rightly says "the end of all conclusions is this - fear God and live peacefully""

I thank God for the spare time He has so kindly provided me which allows me to take time to reflect upon many subjects close to my heart.Otherwise in this fast paced world with the duties of motherhood and career balancing it would have been virtually impossible.

I want to pray for those who are going thro' times of stress , that they will find their rest in you Lord, give them times of rest and recreation.Amen

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