Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Life's Classroom

Life is classroom and we are the students,
Each day is a new lesson and a new learning.
How we do our homework prepares us well for the next days lessons.
If we fail to perceive what it teaches we will fail but we can always correct our perceptions and thus prepare well for the next lessons.
But the lessons don't seem to have subject like categories they seem to be versatile differing for each person .What holds good for one may not be good for the other person.
How one handles the lessons seem to be more important than what lessons he has to handle
How each one handles is the important factor.
What makes one to handle better than other is it
- the preparation time given to it,
- or how well were the preparations given to the individual
-or how well the student has perceived its fundamentals
-or what frame of mind is he while handling those lessons
his preparations may have been well , but something that would have disturbed him may cuase him to get distracted.
Every individual faces different situations and handle them in different ways because they have been raised in different backgrounds and different circumstances have shaped them

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